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Charlie Harris
In-house Test and Acceptance Engineer

"I fell in love with AV and rack build when I was offered some work experience at proAV. That was over four years ago now and I really haven’t looked back."

Charlie has been with the proAV team for over four years. He started on the Trainee Programme within rack build learning the ropes for over a year and a half before asking to move departments to learn the role of an Offsite Test Engineer. Under the careful guidance of his line manager, Charlie learnt how to test and configure systems and prepare for Witness tests along with other responsibilities.

Training complete he is now employed as an In-house Test and Acceptance Engineer in charge of ensuring the built racks are tested and checked to the required proAV standard before they leave or enter the Witness Testing process.

Inspired by the process Charlie is looking forward to having the opportunity to help future generations of trainees learn through the proAV Development Programme.


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