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3 Ways Cisco Spaces Enhances Your Workplace


Transform your office with Cisco Spaces. Unlock the potential of a smart, connected workplace.

As the world has transitioned to hybrid working, workplaces have become less centred on office spaces. However, the recent push from employers to bring employees back to the office has significantly impacted workplaces, often revealing a lack of proper technology. It can be demotivating and frustrating when it's impossible to get a quick overview of the workplace—whether that's knowing how many meeting rooms are available, booking a room in advance, or easily navigating to a specific room. From an organisational perspective, the absence of data means we can't accurately assess how many rooms are being used or determine if we need to increase or reduce our supply of meeting spaces. The last thing we want is for someone to come to the office for an important meeting only to find all the rooms booked, forcing the meeting to be cancelled. Nobody wants that!

This is where Cisco Spaces comes into play—a powerful solution that seamlessly integrates your workplace with smart building technology. So, how can Cisco Spaces make a difference?

Elevate Employee Experience and Productivity 

Imagine it's your first time in the building, and you're feeling a bit lost. With Cisco Spaces, you can effortlessly navigate your way around using the touchscreen Cisco Map to find everything from conference rooms to kitchens and meeting rooms. Not only does it help you find your way, but it also provides real-time information on air quality and CO2 levels, allowing you to choose spaces with better air quality and fewer people if you prefer. Whether you're looking for a desk near your co-workers to boost collaboration or a quiet spot to concentrate on a project, Cisco Spaces has you covered. You'll never have to worry about entering an occupied room or waiting without knowing when it will be available. Cisco Spaces ensures you have the perfect environment for your needs, enhancing both your experience and productivity. Cisco Spaces offers insightful visibility into network power consumption, particularly across PoE devices, enabling you to monitor and manage energy use more effectively. By understanding your network's energy utilisation, you can better align with NetZero goals and advance towards a more sustainable footprint. Integration with select Smart PDUs further enhances this by providing detailed insights into energy usage, supporting more informed decisions for optimising efficiency and reducing environmental impact.

Developing your Office Strategy with Data-Driven Insights

Cisco Spaces offers insightful visibility into network power consumption, particularly across PoE devices, enabling you to monitor and manage energy use more effectively. By understanding your network's energy utilisation, you can better align with NetZero goals and advance towards a more sustainable footprint. Integration with select Smart PDUs further enhances this by providing detailed insights into energy usage, supporting more informed decisions for optimising efficiency and reducing environmental impact.

Cisco Spaces also provides valuable insights by monitoring air quality, room occupancy, and room usage without the need for physical presence. Data is collected through WebEx devices, IoT sensors, and cameras, all seamlessly integrated with existing systems, enabling comprehensive management and optimisation of the workplace environment. Additionally, it enhances energy efficiency and reduces costs by automatically adjusting lighting, heating, and cooling based on real-time occupancy and environmental conditions. This intelligent resource management ensures energy is used effectively, leading to significant cost savings and a more sustainable office.

Captive portals

The captive portal serves as the initial point of interaction for customers connecting to your Wi-Fi, offering a valuable chance to engage them right from the start. This platform allows businesses to present relevant information, foster customer relationships, and drive revenue while potentially gathering customer details. It supports various authentication methods, including phone numbers, emails, social media profiles, and acceptance of terms and conditions. Additionally, captive portals can deliver tailored experiences based on specific business rules, such as recognising returning customers by name and offering personalised incentives, like exclusive discounts or bonus loyalty points, on repeat visits.


In conclusion, Cisco Spaces revolutionises the modern workplace by integrating advanced technology to enhance both employee experience and operational efficiency. It provides crucial insights into room usage, air quality, and energy consumption, supporting smarter decision-making and alignment with sustainability goals. The solution also leverages captive portals to engage customers effectively, gather valuable data, and deliver personalised interactions. Overall, Cisco Spaces not only improves workplace functionality but also contributes to a more sustainable and customer-focused environment. Contact proAV today to learn how Cisco Spaces can transform your environment.


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